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I lay my body down,

with only one goal in mind;

it is my will to

leave this illusion behind.

Enter the shadow

where dreams are made to be real

and shamans walk the roads

that lie beyond the veil

Like a Tibetan Master,

I slow my breathing,

and stay all false emotion

lest it deceives me

I am but a spectre; a ghost; an objector, deflector of such undermining mendacities

etheric projector; this host; a detector, defector of such underlying mundanities

Through my deliberation,

and a strict discipline,

an echo vibrates and helps

achieve my separation

Two of my bodies down,

with only one left behind,

as I now walk the roads,

of which I once had been blind

With my new ability

I take on my advantage.

Watching my body sleep,

from such a starbound vantage

The bridge that seperates us

from the world of Assiah.

The realm that unites us

under the one desire.

What we thought reality

comes to die in infancy,

the vividness surrounding

and consuming falsity

Pure consciousness evading

the clutches of desperation;

the mortality we have come to

accept as the only way.

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