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Lucid Dreaming Lesson 1: The Lucid Void Space and The Three Meditations

This is part of series of articles in lucid dreaming based off my own experiences and experiments in that area.

What I am attempting to externalise here is something that cannot be described accurately with words, as they need to be experienced to properly understand them.

So others involved in lucid dreaming might have different interpretations. These articles are to be considered part of the "curriculum" of the Ordo Occultum Astrum.

It is my goal to provide a proper curriculum for not just lucid dreaming, but strengthening the psyche to better deal with everything one may be exposed to in the dream state.

These articles where part of the task given to me by the leader of the Unseen 5 in which I was to provide the framework to allow others to tap into the power that lucid dreaming can offer.

I don’t want anything in return except for them to be studied from an objective perspective and developed further as I believe humanity can greatly benefit from them.

I would be grateful if you document your experiences and tell me about them, but it is in no way an obligation.

So what is lucid dreaming anyway?

If you are part of any lucid dreaming/ astral projection communities, the “experts” may tell you it is simply the ability to become conscious when you are dreaming.

And that’s about it.

They might tell you can do some cool things like fly around, but in a general sense they don’t seem to offer anything that would seem appealing to those who are not into the subject of the metaphysical.

Depending on which groups you are part of you might be lucky enough to get some tips and tricks on how to trick your mind into realising it is sleeping.

These techniques consist of reality checks and other thought disciplines that will apparently embed your sub consciousness with certain things to make it become conscious during a dream.

While I am not saying that these techniques are complete bullshit, I am going to tell you I am yet to come across anyone on any of these groups speaking of lucid dreaming at a level anywhere near what I know about and have been experimenting with for the past 2 decades.

What I know about lucid dreaming should make the whole world sit up straight, turn their heads and PAY SOME FUCKING ATTENTION.

Anyone who has been following this blog so far knows that I have made some pretty far out claims in regards to what can be achieved whilst lucid. You will inevitably stumble across experts with a lot to tell you on the subject for some sort of recompense.

I am not saying these people are wrong in their assertions or fraudsters out to make a quick buck.

After all, everyone needs to earn a living right? Some of them may actually be beneficial aids to supplement what I have to say.

I honestly don’t have the time or resources to go through them all and tell you what is bullshit and what isn’t.

All I can offer is my own two cents, and my two cents is that lucid dreaming is much, much, MUCH more than just realizing you are dreaming.

Sure this is one aspect of it, but I would relegate such a skill down towards the novice end of the spectrum.

Even if you could consistently “wake yourself up” in the dream state into this knowing, if that is all you could do you would still be missing out on A LOT of what lucid dreaming has to offer.

It is my firm belief that lucid dreaming is the very solution to humanity’s existential crisis.

It is my belief that it is our very evolution point, but unfortunately that this evolution will also take a collective effort. So consider this my part in that effort.

It is far more exciting, in my opinion, to remain conscious whilst undergoing the transition into the sleeping state.

This way you have much better control of dream creation and have access to one of the most important aspects of the mind; what Carl Jung (also a lucid dreamer) called the collective unconscious and what I call the “void space”.

I will state this plainly; all lucid dreaming activities should be carried out with the goal to access and control this void space as much as possible. I cannot over emphasize this.


Well, according to my experiments, experiences and what was told to me by the leader of the Unseen 5 this void space is directly connected to every consciousness in existence {presided over by the “god consciousness” of the divine creator} and it is being hijacked by non physical entities to keep you “dumb”. I am not meaning to be derogative here.

What I mean is that the average person cannot effectively access their void space and control it because the power it would afford them is too great in the eyes of these non physical hijackers.

This power is a reconnection to what is known as the higher self. And no I am not throwing that term out loosely to woo you with new age speak.

Neither am I implying some sort of epiphany one comes to after spending a few hours meditating on a beach somewhere after doing a bit of yoga.

It is an actual state of awareness far, far, FAR above what you use on a regular basis that can be reached through the art of lucid dreaming. It also takes years of discipline to get there.

Just how powerful is this higher state of awareness I hear you ask?

Well, if you could combine the processing power of every single entity on earth and have them focus on one goal, you would be getting close… about 0.000000001 percent of what the higher self is capable of.

For the sake of simplicity, consider it the normal mode of operation for the mind of an advanced ET species.

The same type that know how to build intergalactic space craft capable of bending space time type of advanced.

Excited yet? Good, lets get back to the void space.

I mentioned that the void space is an important part of the consciousness makeup. You can use it to not only create your own dreams, but also to hijack others dreams and tune into telepathic thought processes with seemingly no limit to distance, if my experiences are anything to by.

It is the communication highway of all physical and non physical entities that extend into the 5th dimension.

Think of it like a google translator app that can automatically translate the dialect of non Earth language speaking ETs.

This and much, much more.

It is my intention to supply you with everything I know on accessing and controlling this void space to allow for the communication of “higher” information to trickle down into this dense physical plane.

This was what my task within the Unseen 5 ultimately boils down to, and is what I believe will result in a proper “evolution of human consciousness”.

So you can say I am taking these articles quite seriously. And you get it all for the super low price of absolutely free.

My authority in this subject comes from the fact that I was ordained as master of lucid dreaming by the Elder Guardians – who I assume were the Ascended Masters.

Take it or leave it, I really don’t care.

But understand that I am apparently one of less than a dozen others currently alive on earth that hold such a level of understanding of what is really achievable whilst in this void space. I developed my abilities to the point that two separate non physical “factions” were able to communicate to me because of it. And they both want me to tell you about it.

I can tell you I have communicated with other non-physical and “dead” entities using it.

I have also used it to remote view through the eyes of an ET entity in a completely different star system to ours. I have used it to “tune” into a conversation with non physical entities and to heal a catastrophic injury to my hand.

You get the picture yet?

All the things you read on psychics, clairvoyants, remote viewers and scryers and the things they are able to do can be traced back to this void space and its ability to act as an ultra dimensional information receiver.

They just figured out how to “bleed” that information into the physical world, even though most of them probably won’t be able to tell you how. I can describe the whole process to you.

If you will allow me.

Undoubtedly most will call it all bullshit, but how many I wonder will commit themselves to my meditation regime before doing so?

But tapping into all this is further along the spectrum toward the more advanced end. Just like you cannot expect to be able to play a full concerto at your very first piano lesson, one cannot expect to control their void space upon its first access.

Make no doubt about it, this is some very advanced stuff; you need to be intent in the idea it will take you a long time before you get to this level of control. If you think this way, it will actually take a lot less time.

This is something I figured out when learning how to play bass back when I was 13 years old.

A lot of it is trial and error. So I am going to take this in baby steps. I am going to build you up bit by bit so your efforts in lucid dreaming may not be wasted when you finally get there.

I am going to teach you how to master the dream state through the awakened one.

Before we begin I feel we must go through the usual disclaimer. There are obviously dangers inherent in lucid dreaming.

My experiences are suggestive of this, as are the words of the Domain Commander on the subject.

I am not going to tell you it is perfectly safe.

What I am going to say is that I wasn’t in a particular good frame of mind when I met these dangers. This is important because your thoughts and emotions during lucidity have a direct bearing on what you will experience.

You will need to learn to control both if you want penetrate through the dream barrier into other non physical realms.

As you will come to learn, your thoughts and emotions will be the very controller by which you navigate the dream world. If you are too focused on all the shit Hollywood pumps out in the form of “entertainment” you will have a very difficult and likely bad time.

I am not telling you not to watch your favourite movies, just try not to cling on their content too much. Neither am I going to guarantee this will work for everyone. Remember, this is knowledge I gained through years of experiments.

When I first started out, I never had so much as a book to guide me on my ways. I had to fly blind, so to speak, the whole damned way.

If you come across a more efficient way in your own experiments, by all means use it. Just let me know so I can include it in my documentation on this subject. I want this to be an enjoyable experience for everyone , and the easier something is the more enjoyable it is.

The bad shit won’t come until you are able to vanquish it, if you follow everything I lay out before you.

If I do my job properly, it should be like swatting an annoying fly out of your way.

It will be like that startled reaction you get from seeing a poisonous spider, then realising you can just empty a can of Raid on it. No big deal.

Now, for those who are not familiar with either, lucid dreaming crosses the boundary of astral projection.

This boundary is often blurry, so is something I will discuss further along.

Just note that astral projection can be achieved through various states along the lucid dreaming line. In both instances you detach your consciousness from your body and can use it to explore the non-physical planes.

To simplify things, consider lucid dreaming as being a 4th dimensional hub in which astral projection is but a single branch of possibility coming off that hub {I just got a low pitched ringing in my left ear when writing that}.

Other possibilities include auric projections, which are about a million times more fantastic than astral projections and exist in the 5th dimensional domain. Looking at it this way, you can think of lucid dreaming as a sort of 4th dimensional bridge into the 5th dimension.

An Auric projection is one where you break through the barrier put in place by non physical entities that contains you in a “sleeping state”.

Let that sink in for a while; your entire unconscious dream experience is nothing but a cleverly crafted containment zone to disorientate your consciousness so it doesn’t leave a predetermined 4th dimensional boundary.

The haze of a standard dream state is {seemingly} due to a consciousness doping agent put in place to stop you from waking up into a higher order of reality.

This is all to stop you from realising your soul’s true potential; that you existed in your state of higher awareness before you did incarnated in a physical body. According to mine and my wife’s experiences anyway.

The more you learn to control your dreams the more you develop a resistance to the effects of this containment zone.

You may start remembering things that are uncomfortable.

You may start remembering things that are painful.

But I guarantee that on the other side of that barrier you will come into contact with your higher self and proper “soul memory”.

You will remember yourself as an IS-BE all the way back into the dim mists of time.

You will then realise that all those painful and uncomfortable memories are nothing but illusions. It’s like waking up from a dream and realising it has no actual bearing on who you are now in this present moment. Only the dream is this physical reality you are engaged in.

Before we can get here though, we need to start off with some basics, and that is what this article will be about.

It might be boring.

It might be tedious.

It might be something you relegate to being complete bullshit.

You might think it all has nothing to do with lucid dreaming, but all I am asking is that you trust me. It is my goal to build you back into the strong consciousness that you are, so that you are impervious to these non physical manipulations of your void space.

So, first thing is first.

Go out and buy yourself a blank journal, a working pen, and a triangular pillow. The journal will be used for you to start recording your dreams.

Not just lucid dreams either. Everything you experience whilst in the dream state, you are going to write down in as much detail as you can remember.

Those bits that dangle just out of reach of your memory, you are going to try and force yourself to remember. You are going to keep this journal beside your bed, within arms reach.

If a dream experience is so intense it wakes you up in the middle of the night, you are going to reach for your journal and record all it all down right then and there.

You are NOT going to wait for the morning to do it, because much of the information in your dreams will be lost by the time you properly wake up. You can use a digital journal if you want, but I suggest also having a backup physical copy as well just in case.

There is nothing worse than having a detailed write up of your experiences disappear when the computer it is written on gets stolen or breaks.

Believe me.

This act of dream recording will train your subconsciousness to pay attention to your dreams. Hopefully, after a month or so, you will start to come to the sudden realisation you are dreaming.

One example I remember vividly had to do with my bass guitar. This was a beautiful 5 string bass my father bought me for my 14th birthday.

The body had a nice red coloured wood that was separated by a “rainbow” of different laminates for the neck that ran through all the way to the bridge.

It was a neck through rather than the common bolt on variety. This thing was my pride and joy and I used to “slap” {a funk technique} it into oblivion every time I picked it up.

It’s sound was a perfect mix of tininess for slap and low end hum for the more progressive grooves I’d play. One night I was dreaming I was walking past a swimming pool, and this thing was just lying on the ground next to it.

Without thinking I just randomly picked it upand threw it into the middle of the swimming pool. It was just so spontaneous it made me stop and pay attention.

As it sunk to the bottom of the pool, I thought to myself, “Hang on a minute, I would never do this to my bass. This must be a dream”. It was enough to snap me out of the hypnosis that I was dreaming.

I cannot remember exactly what I did after that, but I know it involved creating a much better and more exciting dream of my own choosing. Aim for this same spontaneity to snap you “awake” in the dream state, but control your excitement or it will completely wake you up.

Try experimenting with things that have a sentimental value and spontaneous thoughts that equate to something you would never do to such an artefact.

Throw that wedding ring into Mount Doom, shave your head completely bald. Think of doing something outrageous that will make you stop and think WTF.

Triangular pillows are pillows that form a not quite 90 degree corner. Apparently a lot of old people use them. I scored mine off my grandfather after he passed away from lung cancer when I was 9.

I get that everyone has their own sleeping comforts. Certain mattress preferences. One pillow, two pillow preferences etc. You might not like triangular pillows.

They might be something you consider as being uncomfortable.

I am sorry to tell you that there is a certain degree of uncomfortable you will need to get used to if you want to properly lucid dream. This is one of them. Ok so maybe they are not essential, but I believe they will help significantly.

The reason for this is based on my own observations and positions I would wake up in immediately after a lucid dream.

These positions I would then experiment with to induce lucidity and they actually worked.

The triangular pillow, I have found, allows your head to rest in the exact “right” position which would be a space gap if you tried putting two standard pillows together.

Did I mention it is going to be uncomfortable? It will take some time to build up getting used to this lucid dreaming pose. But more on that later.

Also have a sheet or blanket that you only use for lucid dreaming. Use it every time you are going to consciously try, and put it away when you are not.

This tip comes from a Native American who suggests you will be imbuing such a blanket with specific “dream energy” that will build up and ultimately help induce it.

So now you’ve got your pillow and journal, you are all set to go to sleep and try and wake up in the dream right?


Whilst other self proclaimed experts will tell you to go right ahead, I am going to bore you with some other things first. Remember I have a responsibility to build your skills slowly. This includes preparing you mentally for what you might experience.

Allow me to take a bit of a detour and tell you about what I call my Leverian Theology.

The Leverian Theology is a system of thought I developed back when I was studying both electronics and occult subjects side by side.

I began noticing certain similarities in both curriculums which led me to believe that “no thoughts are entirely belonging to the mind that thought them”.

It was my belief that all thoughts were derivations of higher celestial mechanics that had in parts been “remembered” by the consciousness developing them.

All inventions, I supposed came about by the inventor sub consciously accessing a non physical energy matrix {the void space/ collective unconscious} and tapping into cosmological mechanics that were already there to begin with.

Thus I assumed that by taking current technological models, and following them from finish to start, one could develop a functional model by which to unravel and understand complex cosmological concepts.

While the actual model is not important, what is important is that one has a way to categorise their thoughts, especially when it comes to lucid dreaming and meditation.

The reason is that when you receive higher information, it doesn’t always come in the form you would expect.

It doesn’t tend to come through all at once either. If you wish to master lucid dreaming, you need to have a system by which to sort your thoughts.

You can then figure out the overall function of one piece of information in relation to the rest.

When more information starts coming in, you can bring up this overall function rather than trying to go back and remember the whole other experiences in totality.

In my case, my Leverian Theology acted as a sort of filing system to deal with the information I was receiving. This is the true secret to being able to properly develop advanced lucid dreaming and meditation abilities.

Again I am yet to come across anyone bothering to mention such a significant aspect. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, only that I specifically haven’t found them.

The categorisation of thought is one of the most crucial aspects to meditation and lucid dreaming, in my opinion. Later, we are going to delve into a very well known system of thought categorisation called the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

This will deal with the alchemical aspects of mental preparation on reconnecting with the higher self.

But while we are on the subject of meditation, let’s talk about the meditative practices needed to achieve proper lucid awareness of the dream state.

I am going to give you three meditations I suggest practicing.

You might have your own meditations that work for you. By all means, continue to use them. The three meditations I am going to give, however, are specifically for lucid dreaming purposes.

They are designed to build specific disciplines required to properly induce lucidity, based on my own observations. Essentially what you are going to be doing is learning how to remain “still”, both physically and mentally. This is not a lightweight task.

What you effectively need to be doing is becoming your own psychoanalyst. You need to learn how to “catch” your thoughts as they arise, observe them objectively and trace their origins.

If you are one who meditates regularly, then there is no need to dedicate even more time to these.

Just include them as part of your already established regime. For those who are not big on meditating much, try doing them at night when you are in bed with your eyes closed.

The First Meditation, Visualisation:

The first step to gaining control of your void space is to practice visualisation. When I was a kid I had this weird scenario that would pop up from time to time.

It ended up becoming somewhat of a visualisation practice because it drove me fucking crazy. I’d just randomly have this thought of someone running on a roof and jumping off onto a car bonnet {what you guys in America call the hood}. It wasn’t even a very big height either.

Like a couple of metres at most. The thing was though, my brain would distort the physics of the scenario. Every time this person would land on the bonnet, they would crush it and the car would pivot like they were jumping on a see saw.

It was reminiscent of how the Hulk would crush something by jumping on it from a low height.

The reason it drove me crazy was because I knew it was an impossibility. And it totally fucked with the movie in my head of this guy doing cool parkour tricks.

I don’t know why this thought would appear – maybe it was something I saw on a cartoon or something – but it was consistent enough for me to remember it more than a decade later.

Now, the problem I was having is that I could not visualise this person not crushing the car and following a more proper path as defined by physics.

It took me quite a long time before I was able to counter this silly little scenario that would often pop up as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. I actually felt a great sense of relief when I could watch that guy run along the roof, jump on the car and continue in his act of parkour.

It is silly I know, but I am sure everyone can relate to similar scenarios that consume their thoughts at the best of times. It also gives us a good idea of what to expect whilst in the dream state. It gives us a very real glimpse into how hard the void space can be to control.

When you are lucid and operating in the void space, you do not see the things the same as you see in physical reality.

There is no physical horizon for you to set your sights upon.

Instead you are swarmed by imagery that lays dormant in your sub consciousness.

If you focus on any of this imagery it has a tendency to become more vivid and solidify in the form of a dream or a disruption.

Hence why if you cannot learn to control this imagery, you will not be able to regain proper control of your void space. Period.

So what I want you to do is to include this visualisation practice in your meditations: picture a single orange resting in a bowl on your kitchen counter. Now imagine you can see the orange in explicit detail.

I want to you mentally zoom up close to it and really see the texture of the skin. Now try moving to the opposite side and picture some sort of blemish.

As you get good at holding a vivid, high definition picture of the orange in your mind, try adding more fruit to the bowl. Start scanning through all of them like you are watching a movie. Once you get good, experiment with different scenarios taking place.

If you are sore, mentally try to zoom in to where your ailment is, going through biological layer after layer and shining white light on a single atom.

Imagine this light reflects off every other atom in a chain reaction until you are bathed in a cloud of light.

This is a healing technique supposedly used by St Germaine by the way – I can tell you it works if your visualisation practices are strong enough.

The idea is to train your mind to be able to conjure up its own images, and not rely on whatever media left an impression on your sub consciousness.

You can’t let that scenario equivalent to mine with the guy doing Hulk parkour with its altered physics win.

The Meditation of Silence of Thought:

The next meditation is designed to “un-hypnotise” you.

What’s that you say?

You aren’t hypnotised? Sorry to tell you but you live in a world full of advertising. Turn on the TV or go for a quick drive and tell me you are not being blasted by an advertisement every 5 seconds.

If you live in a rural community I might believe you.

How long before you make your way past one though? Let’s cut the bullshit and tell it for what it is. All advertising is brainwashing, and all brainwashing is forced hypnotism.

Still don’t believe me?

Do me a favour and next time you get an urge for a Big Mac and cheese or a Bud light ask yourself why you got it.

Don’t just ask yourself, trace the thought and pin point exactly what it was that made you think you wanted one. Not just the easy answer of “I was hungry”.

I want you to trace the whole pathway of your thought and why it was you chose a Big Mac and cheese over a Subway 6 inch. Was choice even involved in the equation?

You’ll probably find that you can’t pin point the exact moment that thought took hold. It was just sort of there in the back of your mind, then when your hunger instinct kicked in the thought took charge of “you”.

Now start doing it with all of your thoughts. I want you to catch every single thought you have, remove yourself to a third person perspective and start analysing them objectively.

I want you to ask yourself why it is you like that certain brand of car over all others.

Why you like that certain football team out of all the rest.

Why you find people that wear body piercings and tattoos distasteful. All those thoughts that are heavily ingrained into you and have the potential to make you choose one thing over another.

All those things that have the potential to make you make serious life choices.

Anything which will lead you to have a heavy emotive reaction to a situation. Everything. You are no longer allowed to just react to situations on autopilot.

Though when you inevitably do, I want you to ask yourself why you reacted that way. Do these thoughts belong to you, or are they a part of a family or social “tradition” that has been handed down to you through cultural biasing. You will be surprised how many thoughts are not actually “yours”.

Once you start catching these thoughts, try experimenting with neutralising them with their polar opposites.

When there is a “gnawing feeling” that you should react a certain way, take a breath and just observe it passively.

The human mind has a myriad of triggers that professionals have learnt how to push and prod. Unfortunately for you, they don’t stop being pushed just when an advertisement has run its course through your head.

This is how you learn how to deactivate them. By doing so you will be teaching yourself to be less prone to manipulation whilst in the void space.

You will strengthen your psychological disposition towards dealing with whatever the dream state throws at you. This is a big part of what occult philosophy is about.

This meditation will then extend into vanquishing the inner monologue in your head. That voice and imagery inside your head at bed time that tends to trail off and lead you down a road of sheer randomness.

Effective lucid dreaming and astral projection comes from finding a way to completely vanquish those thoughts.

When you lie there in bed try focusing on the sound of your breathing and nothing else. It takes some practice but eventually you should be able to notice those distracting thoughts as they arise and refocus on your breathing.

To strengthen this thought vanquishing practice, do yourself a favour and next time you attend a speaking session with someone at a podium in front of a crowd, just sit and observe.

Try to remain in one position and take in your whole surroundings without moving your eyes or your head. Watch how people react to the speaker and try and pin point those reactions that are subconscious ones. Keep your eyes open for as long as possible without blinking.

If done properly this should put you in a trance like state, and your surroundings will become extremely vivid.

Pay attention to your thoughts and take note of any that seem to “scream” at you from seemingly nowhere. What you are doing is tuning into the void space whilst in an awakened state, and preparing yourself for the next meditation.

The Meditation of Stillness of the Body:

This is where things begin to get uncomfortable. And I mean that literally. This meditation builds upon the still position used to induce a trance like state. It is, in my opinion, the most important practice one must master if they want to be able to remain conscious through the transition into the sleeping state. One should try going to bed before they reach a noticeable state of fatigue.

To begin with you are going to take up a comfortable position, and you are going to lie there for as long as possible unmoving. The idea is to build up the length of time you can remain unmoving.

Keep trying for just a little bit longer every time you practice it.

The key is not move even through every annoying itch and twitch your body goes through. Your goal should be to build up to being able to lie unmoving for at least an hour or more.

The annoyingness at the situation should actually benefit you by keeping you awake. If you can keep yourself awake, you will begin to notice that after awhile, everything starts to become “numb”.

For me, my arms are usually the first the go. This is the preliminary stage to sleep paralysis, or what is known as the hypnagogic state in astral projection circles (the line between the two is very blurry).

The numbness is your consciousness preparing to disengage from the body. It is from here you can either induce an astral projection or conscious transition into the void space. but not before going through sleep paralysis.

Alas these are subjects which require a whole article themselves, so for now just keep practicing these meditations as they will prepare you for the next phase where the fun really starts to begin. After a month you should start being better prepared for these next stages of lucid dreaming.

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29 ago 2023
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Thank you, DM. I am making the commitment to your training outlines. In "time", I will be happy to share any relevant experiences. Ohio Guy

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faraz khan
faraz khan
14 jul 2023

Apologies for bombarding, but also what direction do you suggest head to be in for sleep. Pointed north? Or south as it's reversed and always suposoed to be true north, thanks

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22 ago 2023
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No apologies necessary. I apologise for not seeing this comment sooner. I am not sure that cardinal directions really have a bearing on success. I have used this pose in many different houses all with different bedroom alignment and it has always worked for me. It seems to be the way the head is tilted that makes the difference. I have noticed if I lie on the opposite side, so my left ear is covered, it tends to bring the uncomfortable “sleep paralysis” kind of lucid dreams and the ones that are a bit more unnerving

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faraz khan
faraz khan
14 jul 2023

Is their a specific technique to imbue ones sheets with lucid dreaming energy, can I do it by simply commanding the intention by also asking my higher self too? Thank you 🙏

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22 ago 2023
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Great question. This is something I have been planning to do an article or video on. There is a book by Ted Andrews called “shape shifter” I recommend reading. In it he talks about the creation of a shroud you use everytime you plan on lucid dreaming. As you begin to lucid dream more and more, he suggests its starts to imbue the shroud with an energy that your sub consciousness recognises, eventually making it easier to lucid dream. It is suggested that it be kept locked away as any other sacred artefact and only ever used for lucid dreaming, otherwise it can taint the energy. Admittedly I never bothered trying it, as I had a certain pillow always on…

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faraz khan
faraz khan
14 jul 2023

Wow, this is incredible, your work is beyond heroic brother 💚

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22 ago 2023
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Thank you for the kind words. I just write what i know. If it is beneficial to others then i am glad that I have helped someone.

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