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Reincarnation Protocols: Excerpt (Tapestry of God Updated Insets)

Updated: Oct 17

Note: Diagrams have been updated and included relocated to a chapter better describing the creation of the physical universe as i witnessed in the book version of the Reincarnation Protocols

The space time waves of two consciousness “particles” – for lack of a better word – of different amplitudes (represented here by size) at the moment of collision, expressing the conversion of space/ time energy into a lesser dimension/ plane: this is what I was actually shown as to how our physical universe was created. The collision region exists as a vibration imprinted with information from both consciousness particles, which explodes through a big bang like event into a hologram comprised of 4th dimensional pixels (matter and light). Our universe exists within the collision region, the boundary of which can be considered as a boundary between “dimensions”. The 4th dimension is comprised of the pixels within the collision region, which our consciousness “slides through”, snapshot by snapshot, whilst 5th dimensional space remains as the space outside of the collision region that encompasses both consciousness particles. The astral/ etheric plane also sits within this collision region at a higher frequency to our physical universe, hence they are, technically, not of a higher dimension, nor are they separate universes to ours.

An example of how the word “CODES” can be embedded into a digital pulse via the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique, which is a standard technique in computer communication protocols. By varying the width of the pulses, information is encoded into the data stream which is then decoded through the receiver that is tuned to detect the code. It is also used as a means to reduce average amount of power delivered by an electrical signal to load, ie, cuts out the parts of an analogue signal which are considered as being "redunant" for the sake of efficiency. From what I was told, the human brain was engineered to specifically to filter out greater cosmological mechanics: I was shown very specifically how codes are embedded into the “particles” of consciousness as they come from source to provide an illusory “navigation” through a false, artificial universe. These codes are introduced via a means very similar to the PWM technique.

The space/time ampltudes of two consciousness particles rudimentally showing their collision points during their frequency cycles which create the physical universe. We can see here that human level awareness is switched on during the collision points. The HELLO WORLD Characters are representative of how human level consciousness is only switched on during the collision points, which allow it to decode the 3D universe. This is done close to the 0 amplitude point, but has been moved below the sine waves for easier readability.

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Aug 26, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I can grasp these concepts for about 3 seconds and then POOF! Gone

Aug 26, 2023
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You aren't the only one. Its a very complex and complicated subject. The chapter i am working details the higher state of awareness I connected to via lucid dreaming to be able to process the information. This is stuff i am remembering off the top of my head from experiences i had, some a whoel decade ago

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