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Reincarnation Protocols Publishing Pending

In my last update I mentioned I would hopefully have the book out at the start of October. Unfortunately, this has been pushed back due to me running into problems with KDP as it wouldn't accept my manuscript uploads for some reason. After spending many hours trying to reformat everything, change the picture DPIs etc, I ended up admitting defeat and sought out another self publishing company. I have been dreading doing this as KDP, despite it being a company of the evil Amazon variety, is the cheapest platform to use which allows me to offer the book at the lowest possible price. After looking at ingram spark, their costs were simply just too high and ongoing to justify publishing with them. I also seemed to be having trouble uploading to them as well. So, failing that, my next option was lulu. I ended up just making an account and uploading the manuscript to see if it would work: lo and behold success. It seemed lulu was the new service I was going to use. The problem is, this work has about 60 pages worth of diagrams and pictures which are coloured to help with explanation of the text. So it needs to be coloured, otherwise a lot of that information will be lost if published in grayscale. The use of lulu and selecting a colour print option has thus bumped up the printing cost exponentially. Selecting the recommended premium option, printing the book alone would have cost about $80AUD, which would have equated to over $120 when other fees were taken into account, when I chose a royalty return goal of only $10. So i was forced to use the standard colour option which lulu suggested might not be suitable for the high colour ink content of the pictures - this dropped the printing price to about $30, with an end RRP of around $80 still giving at that $10 royalty. This has been a monumental work for me and has taken over 3 years to write. In the process I have spent over $500 (on isbns, the cover, research material, proof copies etc) to bring it to the standard of publication it is in (all the work that goes into each book is 100% done by me, no one else), so I need to recuperate these costs somehow, and i think a $10 return for per unit is justified on my end. I have so far used my last 2 isbns to publish it in paperback and hardcover format and i am currently waiting for the proofs to arrive in the mail before i can go ahead and approve it for publication. Once i get those and make sure the pictures have printed properly it will go live for sale. Unfortunately, if the pictures aren't printed satisfactorily, I may have to either use the premium printing option or reduce some of them entirely. I have also made a large format edition and am seeking to make an ebook version, but these will require further isbns which will cost me another $88, which i just cannot afford at this current moment in time. Given I originally wanted to release this work for as little cost as possible (and given it would be hypocritical of me to critique money in the work, then expect others to part with so much of it ), I figure a solution to this problem of cost is to offer a free PDF version which still has majority of the text, and diagrams that teach the core component of the material, but with some formulas and non relevant pictures whited out/ reduced in resolution. Given the pictures are what cost me the most time in producing this work, I think that is a fair trade off, as some of them are only really there to compliment one's curiosity. That way, I believe, I can leave it entirely to the reader to decide if they think the work and effort put into it on my end justifies them buying a solid copy. I will warn however that my inclination to bother continuing on with this subject is directly correlated with the amount of effort it takes to produce such a publication vs the reward I get out of it - even though i have some more planned works offering more of my knowledge on the occult (check the books page), I have a family and commitments and responsibilities I must take just as seriously as anyone else, and these will take precedence over something less rewarding. So whilst you are under no obligation to buy my work, if you like it, your support  through buying it and leaving a review is very much appreciated, and is genuinely going towards keeping such a family thriving, as well as keeping my interest in writing from waning, so I can continue to provide my literature to those who wish to read it for many years to come. Regards DM Please also note that some of the articles written as first drafts I found to be somewhat inaccurate in their explanation and as a result these have become superceded by the information contained in the chapters of the book. Chapter guide below. Introduction                             Chapter 1: Astral Projection and the Monroe Institute                               Chapter 2: An Explanation of My Mystical Experiences                             Chapter 3: The De-Evolution of Consciousness                                    Chapter 4: Our Cosmological Energy                                                         Chapter 5: The Soul and the Kabbalah                                                       Chapter 6: The Tarot Bridge Between Alchemy and The Kabbalah           

Chapter 7: The Philosophical Influence of Alchemy                                   Chapter 8: Moksha                                                                                  Chapter 9: Gnosticism and the Material World Illusion                            Chapter 10: Refutation of the Jungian/Freudian Dream Interpretation and its Subsequent Materialistic Influence on Psychology                                                         Chapter 11: A Modern Interpretation of Simulation Theory Through the Eyes of a Floating Man                                                           Chapter 12: The Leverian Theology                                                           Chapter 13: Dream Formation                                                                   Chapter 14:  The Higher Self and Turiya State                                            Chapter 15: Spiritual Suppression in the Void Space                                  Chapter 16: The Creation of the Physical Universe From Within Higher Dimensional Space                                                                                                                                    Chapter 17: A Philosophy on Mind, Consciousness and God                                                          Chapter 18: Becoming God Mind by Hacking the Soul Machine                                                      Chapter 19: The Fall of the Angels From the Garden of Eden Into the Body of Man Chapter 20: The Emanation of Higher Dimensional Space and Formation of Holograms Using Mshapes                                                     Chapter 21: Investigating Changes in the Temporal Dynamics of Consciousness    Chapter 22: Death and the Reincarnation Process                                       Chapter 23: The Time Object Erasing Anomaly                                        Chapter 24: Piloting the VDM-22  Consciousness Craft and Theorising its Metaphysical Construction                                                 Conclusion                                                                                                Bibliography                                                                                         

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